Jason Jones
On Show through the gallery window, 10am - 7pm
until 24 December 2018
Internationally exhibited Liverpool based artist Jason Jones, former Gallery Manager of Liverpool Hope University's Cornerstone Gallery, has returned to his practice after an eight year break.
After graduating in 1998 Jason undertook a seven year period of romantic, gestural, atmospheric and introspective analysis of paint as a medium, producing a vigorous and rapid succession of themed portfolios of work, all underpinned by sub-contexts of the chaotic, harmony and contrast.
In 2004 Jason started using the knowledge and techniques he had developed for applying paint to the contemporary male figure. This culminated in him being included in the 2010 international publication "100 Artists of the Male Figure'.
Professional Work commitments, post-graduate educational investigations and family priorities contributed to Jason's focus elsewhere until his return to his painterly practice in August 2018.
Jason originally envisaged his return to painting as a slow process of re-education and recapturing techniques once developed before building a themed body of work. What quickly emerged was the start of a new collection reflecting his thoughts and aspirations developed during the last eight years.
What is evident within this small collection of new work on offer is that Jason has retained his trademark gestural and descriptive mark making skills as well as his documented innate use of colour. The approach of these new paintings draws upon inspiration of and compositional studies of the epic biblical paintings by John Martin, atmospheric sci-fi film noir cinematography, emotional responses to musical compositions and most importantly, the process of and response within the act of applying paint - paintings about painting.
The exhibited works presented offer a glimpse of what to expect as Jason's practice re-emerges.